
Appearances before Authorities

The due course of business sometimes requires representation of the company in various matters before concerned regulatory or legal authorities. The Company Secretary is a designated authority to represent the company in such matters. We at Amruta Giradkar and associates offer representation and appearance services in various matters related to the National Company Law Tribunals (NCLT) across India , RoC, RD , RBI and SEBI etc .

Our services include:

  1. Appearing on behalf of the Company before the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) and Registrar of Companies (ROC)
  2. Appearing before the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT)
  3. Appearing before the Company Court through Counsel for Scheme of Merger or Amalgamation
  4. Appearing before the Committee of Stock Exchange
  5. Appearing on behalf of the Company before Reserve Bank of India for approval of various applications and compounding of contraventions etc
  6. Appearing on behalf of the Company before Official Liquidator
  7. Appearing on behalf office of RD for fast track merger u/s 233 of the Companies Act 2013, Reduction of share capital, shifting of Registered Office of the Company and various other company law matters

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